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Big projects everywhere! Oh my! – News – 4th of August 2024

It’s been a bit quieter here on this website huh? Well that has to do with the fact that my current creative energy is all guided towards the “Bane Of The Talebearer” project which is going to be the next TDW album and multi-disciplinary media project. This project will cover a new album, a podcast/audio drama and (hopefully!) a videogame, so this is pretty big!

Therefore I decided to make a seperate website for that project, so that all that info can be found in one place. You can find that website at:

So please, check out that website if you want to know more about this project! And in the meantime, feel free to browse this site to learn all about my music career and the many things I have done over time!

Also, if you check the BLOG section, you might find a thing or two about a new TDW album that I am also working on while this big project is taking place. 😉

